Gay Kahanian In Urdu Fonts
In our last blog, we covered what to search to find the best and most unique Instagram stories stickers. But did you know that you can also create custom fonts for your Instagram stories? I was left wondering how exactly other Instagram users posted such unique stories with fonts I had never seen before. So, I decided to do some research. And there is infact a way an easy way to type in custom fonts. Want to know how? Keep reading.
gay kahanian in urdu fonts
In my opinion, this app is probably your best option if you are really trying to make your Instagram stories unique and personalized. Phonto is a free app. From my research, Phonto definitely has the widest array of fonts to choose from, with over 400 different options. You even have to option to install your own custom fonts. Within the app, you can customize text size, color, gradient, line spacing, etc.
Sometimes, the fonts offered within the Instagram stories feature get a little boring and overused. These apps can most definetly separate your Instagram stories from the rest. Leave people wondering how you used fonts that are not available on the Instagram stories features. 350c69d7ab