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Jonathan Reed
Jonathan Reed

Lotus Notes Calendar Error In Loading Dll [CRACKED]

i need some advice. im working as it-professional for a company which is migrating from lotus notes to outlook2019/exchange on premise. i already changed the default mail client to outlook via gpo. but there is one problem. if you press righ click on a file and use "Send to > Send to Mail Recipient" lotus notes will opening instead of outlook. it seems that filetype is Mailservice (.MAPIMail). if i try to select outlook as deafult programm for Mailservice (.MAPIMail) but get an error message " The selected program cant be selected for this filetype. Please choose an other program."

lotus notes calendar error in loading dll

if you press righ click on a file and use "Send to > Send to Mail Recipient" lotus notes will opening instead of outlook. it seems that filetype is Mailservice (.MAPIMail). if i try to select outlook as deafult programm for Mailservice (.MAPIMail) but get an error message " The selected program cant be selected for this filetype. Please choose an other program."

To answer 2: I've found no better answer than using a Hex editor or scouring the internet for code snippets. I suspect that this string is set not by IBM but during the installation. So if we could find the default value that *might work. Again I'd like a better answer myself. What works for me is $All for E-Mail (sorry In lotus notes there are no "emails" Lotus sends "Memos") and Calendar for the calendar.

This error is generated on Google side, and it means that their service no longer can accept modifications to calendar data via Google API, because the number of modifications to the calendar has exceeded the quota. Unfortunately, there is not so much public information available about these quotas, but there are few reasons, why they might be exceeded:

Thank you @Christof Thim, I followed your instructions, but made a few tweaks to keep intact the dynamic paths. Uploading my result for others as a shortcut. This gets LNGS started, but I am getting errors when syncing. Does anyone know what might be causing this based on the log? (I tried setting my without trying to fix the absolute paths and get the same result) Starting sync - 6/29/21 4:00:36 PM Application Version: 2.8 OS: Mac OS X 10.16 x86_64 Java: 1.8.0_282 AdoptOpenJDK Java Home:...

Hi Dean, yes, but when I try to set the script to use the Java that comes with notes, nothing changed, I tried to put all paths so they are pointing to the Notes Files, but the output error are always the same, what is wrong? lotusPath = "C:\Notes" ' Path where Notes.ini is located. Set to "" for auto-detect. lotusIniPath = "C:\Notes"* ' Path where javaw.exe is located. Set to "" for auto-detect. javaPath = "C:\Notes\jvm\bin" lotusJavaPath = "C:\Notes\jvm\bin" ' Set to 1 to use the version of Java...

Hi all, I have followed the instruction on HelpFile.html, but still getting the following error. I also run the LNConnectivityTest and all test passed as successful. Starting sync - 20/01/26 22:45:00 Date range: 20/01/19 thru 20/03/26 (-7 to +60 days) Getting Lotus Notes calendar entries === ERROR === There was an error synchronizing. See Troubleshooting in the Help file. This screen output is also in lngsync.log. lngs.util.LngsException: There was a problem initializing the Lotus Notes thread. Make...

Hi, i get the same error. It was working fine all along and i upgraded to Catalina Mac OS and since then i ran into the issue. Any ideas. I do have this Automatic sync-on-startup is enabled. Starting sync - 10/22/19 9:09:07 AM Application Version: 2.8 OS: Mac OS X 10.15 x86_64 Java: 1.8.0_221 Oracle Corporation Java Home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home/jre Java Classpath: /Applications/IBM

At the perform sync tab it shows: Configuration settings were successfully validated then sync fails and gives me the following error: === ERROR === There was an error synchronizing. See Troubleshooting in the Help file. This screen output is also in lngsync.log. lngs.util.LngsException: There was a problem initializing the Lotus Notes thread. Make sure the Lotus dll/so/dylib directory is in your path. Also look at the Troubleshooting section of the Help file. at lngs.lotus.LotusNotesManager.getCalendarEntries(

Now getting a new error: Starting sync - 3/30/18 12:00:00 PM Date range: 3/23/18 thru 6/13/18 (-7 to +75 days) Getting Lotus Notes calendar entries (0.8 s) === ERROR === There was an error synchronizing. See Troubleshooting in the Help file. This screen output is also in lngsync.log. lngs.util.LngsException: There was a problem reading Lotus Notes calendar entries. at lngs.lotus.LotusNotesManager.getCalendarEntries( at lngs.MainGUI.doSync( at lngs.MainGUI$SyncSwingWorker.doInBackground(

I have problems with my sync. It was allways working and nothing changed. All of a sudden some time ago syncing stopped working. Added logfile below : === ERROR === There was an error synchronizing. See Troubleshooting in the Help file. This screen output is also in lngsync.log. lngs.util.LngsException: Unable to create Google calendar. at at lngs.MainGUI.doSync( at lngs.MainGUI$SyncSwingWorker.doInBackground(

Hi, Since few month, I've got this error log. I've tried a new json, but it didn't fix. Starting sync - 20/03/18 14:15:00 Date range: 13/03/18 thru 19/05/18 (-7 to +60 days) Getting Lotus Notes calendar entries (2.3 s) 61 Lotus entries found within date range Logging into Google (3.0 s) === ERROR === There was an error synchronizing. See Troubleshooting in the Help file. This screen output is also in lngsync.log. lngs.util.LngsException: Unable to login to Google. at

Hi, earlier I used LNGS with notes8, but I have now a new laptop with win10 and with ibm notes9. I want to configure LNGS again, but I get the following error: Automatic sync-on-startup is enabled. Starting sync - 12/12/17 9:14:41 AM Application Version: 2.8 OS: Windows 10 10.0 amd64 Java: 1.8.0_131 Oracle Corporation Java Home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre8u131 Java Classpath: C:\Program Files\LNGoogleCalSync\lngsync.jar Java Library Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre8u131\bin;C:\windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\Program...


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